Resource Data

The app captures your resource data!  Accommodations, travel information, fly and tackle shops, car rentals, boat launches, access points, restaurants are all captured simply by saying the information and stores the data for future planning or sharing with friends.

Environmental Data

Each time the app is triggered by an event like “fish on” it logs the time and captures the accessible environmental information such as weather, moon phase, water conditions, flow rates or tides, and more!

Event Data

Until now the drudgery and interference of capturing fishing experiences has not been practical. Manual data input is impractical while fishing. Waiting to the end of the day when tired and you can’t recall all of the details also is not practical. FishOn! collects all your fishing experiences without your conscious interaction. It’s also handsfree to fish!

For fishermen, Guides, and Boat Captians

Control your fishing information….No burning your fishing Spots

Filter your audience and information

Scrub the metadata 

Share Filters

Trip Statistics, Lifetime Statistics

Preserve your memories and use your data for future trip planning!

Coming Soon

It all happens without a thought
